Corporate Website for US IT Staffing Company

@Didiaupdates Email Job

Job Detail

  • Job ID 686

Job Description

I am seeking an experienced web developer to design a professional website for my IT staffing company based in the US. The primary objective of this website is to attract potential clients.

Key Responsibilities:

– Develop a clean and easy-to-navigate homepage.

– Create a detailed ‘Services’ page that outlines our staffing solutions.

– Design a user-friendly ‘Contact Us’ page for client inquiries.

The ideal website should embody a corporate and professional style, instilling trust and credibility in our potential clients. I am looking for a freelancer with strong web development skills, a keen eye for corporate design, and a proven track record in creating client-attractive corporate websites. Your portfolio should reflect similar projects.

Website Design Graphic Design PHP HTML User Interface / IA

Project ID: #39192408

About the project

Open for bidding Remote project Active recently

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