Minimalist Direct Booking Websites for Airbnb

@Didiaupdates Email Job

Job Detail

  • Job ID 690

Job Description

I’m seeking a talented web developer to build 10 direct booking websites for my Airbnb and Booking business.


– Each site should have a user-friendly, minimalist design.

– A customizable booking form is essential on every site.

– The home page of each site will need to feature property descriptions and an image gallery.

– The sites should be able to sync their calendars with Airbnb and Booking using iCal.

– Integration with payment methods like Stripe and Paypal is necessary.

– Lastly, I’d like the websites to be optimized for Google SEO.

If the work goes smoothly, I am looking forward to a long-term collaboration. Please provide your best price for this project.

Website Design PHP HTML WordPress

Project ID: #39184190

About the project

43 proposals Open for bidding Remote project Active yesterday

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