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Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

Putin Makes The Announcement on Military Mobilization.

Putin the president of Russia has announced a Partial mobilization of the military. He called for reservists in Russia on 20th September 2022, Wednesday morning the time he was declaring “partial Mobilization”. Moreover, Putin aimed to increase the military effort in their invasion of Ukraine which started on late February 2022.

Moreover, Putin signed a decree that will send all Russians who went through military training to join the fight in Ukraine. Therefore, Putin said. “I reiterate, we are talking about partial mobilization. That is, Only citizens who are currently in the reserve will be subject to conscription. And above all, those who served in the armed forces have a certain Military specialty and relevant experience. Conscripts will obligatorily go through additional military training. Based on the experience of the special military operation before departing to the units”.

Furthermore, Putin has confirmed to continue with its slogan of “Special Military operation” to recruit many areas in Ukraine to be under Russian Control.

Moreover, Defense Minister of Russia Sergei Shoigu said. “Russia would immediately call up 300,000 reservists to hold the front line in Ukraine”. Russia intends to increase the war effort as Ukraine proceeds to receive heavy weapons from the west. Putin said.

“The larger force was necessary as Ukraine continued to receive heavy weapons from a collective west. As intent on Weakening, Isolating, and destroying Russia

Furthermore, Vladimir Putin accused Western nations of providing long-range weapons to Ukraine. This can strike deep into Russian territory. Also, Accused Ukraine with its allies of menacing Russia with nuclear threats. It should be noted that Putin warned Russians to use all available means in their defense. Noting Russia had its capable nuclear arsenal. “This is no bluff”. Putin added.

“Those who are blackmailing us with nuclear weapons should know… The rose winds can change and blow in their directions”

Therefore, Sergei Shoigu provided new figures on Russian casualties saying. 5,937 Russian soldiers had died fighting in Ukraine. Western estimates run much higher.

Furthermore, Many people from different parts of the World provided their views based on this Partial Mobilization as follows.

Senior emerging markets sovereign strategy at BlueBay Asset Management Timothy Ashy commented on his email. “A partial mobilization will make little difference on the battlefield in the near term. And is how Putin is going to arm these 300,000 new troops when is he struggling to re-equip forces already being pushed into the meat grinder in Ukraine?”

300,000 Russian Soldiers (reservists) with experience were drafted to join the battle in Ukraine as an order announced by president Vladimir Putin.

Additionally, he said “The partial Mobilization plus the announcement of the referendum in occupied territories are meant more for external consumptions. For Ukraine and its Western allies. To signal that Putin is still in this for the long haul. But that he wants to negotiate”.

Therefore, This defines Putin’s continued to hit Ukraine and defense his state from nuclear threats from the Western. But, He proceeds to warn and accuse NATO of letting The Western Block provide longer-range nuclear weapons. Because it seemed they want to destroy Russia and its people.

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