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The University of Dodoma – Is a public institution located in the Central part of Tanzania and provides quality Education to both foreign and domestic students. All applications at UDOM are done online through the Online Application System(OAS)

UDOM online application 2022/2023.


UDOM admission Application 2022/2023 is now open.

The University of Dodoma- UDOM

Applicants are required to create their accounts by using active email and phone numbers where an applicant will be able to access easily feedback from The University of Dodoma. The use of the Online Application System (OAS) helps people to conduct their applications from different parties of the World.

Basic Requirements for UDOM application.

Applicants are reminded to visit an admission Guidebook prepared by TCU at to get more information. But for:-


For ACSEE ( form six) applicants the minimum entry is two principal passes by excluding additional subjects like Religion, General Studies as well as Basic Applied Mathematics (BAM).

Total points of 4.0 are required to form six applicants. For the colleges of Health Sciences 4.5 and 5 points are required. For Ordinary Level three Credits are required.


Apart from direct Entry other applicants are there for diplomas where the minimum entry qualification is at least four O’level passes or National Vocation Awards (NVA) level III with less than four O’level passes.

  1. For National technical (NTA) Level 6 in ordinary Diploma with at least 3.0 GPA.
  2. Full Technician Certificate 3.0 point average.
  3. Health-related awards like clinical medicine require an Average of Grade B.
  4. Diploma in Teacher Education with average Grade B.
  5. Credit Class Diploma for classified diplomas or certificates in terms of Distinctions, Credit, or Pass.
  6. Lower second class Diploma Classified non-NTA diplomas.


For the applicants with Recognition of Prior Learning the minimum qualification required is an average Grade B.


The University of Dodoma provides undergraduate programs (Bachelor Degrees), Postgraduate diplomas, and Postgraduate Degrees.

Up to date, the University of Dodoma has a total of seven colleges as shown below:-

  • College Of Earth Science.
  • College of Health and Allied Science.
  • College of Humanities and Social Science.
  • College of Business Studies and Law.
  • College of Informatics and Virtual Education.
  • College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences.
  • College of Education.

Also, there is an Institution established within the College of Humanities and Social science which is known as the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). This Institute improves the understanding of the students on Development Studies which is essential to social development.

Some courses are provided at UDOM.

At the College of Earth Science

  • Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering – (PE).
  • Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy and mineral processing Engineering -MMP).
  • Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering(ME).
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Geology (AG).
  • Bachelor of Science in Geo-informatics (Geo-info).
  • Bachelor of Science in Hydro-geology (Hydrogeo).

On college of Health and Allied Science.

  • Doctor of Medicine (MD).
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (N)
  • Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (MW).

For More Details on other courses click below:


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